Financial Planning made simple for expats

Great financial planning is not about fancy investments or hot tips. It's about understanding where you are, where you want to be and how we can get you there.

Financial Adviser in suit

About Us



I am a financial planner, and the founder of Rosbotham Finance here in Switzerland.

Financial planning isn't something that can be sorted in one meeting or transaction, it's an ongoing process that often changes as your life progresses and career advances.

We work alongside you to create a roadmap to get you to where you want to be, navigating tough financial & life decisions which directly impact your financial success.

Whether you're 1, 10 or 30 years away from stopping work, we can help you get (and stay) on track.


Our Process

Introductory meeting icon

Introductory call


We offer a complimentary first meeting by video or telephone.

Scope of advice

Scope of Advice


We provide detailed information about the services we can offer you.

Develop your plan icon

Develop your plan


Your plan will be unique to your situation.

monitor and adjust icon

Monitor & Adjust


We regularly review and update your financial plan.

Why Rosbotham Finance is different


- We are a truly independent firm

- We find solutions, not sell products

- We aim to educate, not overwhelm with complex jargon

Don't just take our word for it

5 stars

David was instrumental in setting up part of my retirement portfolio. He met my expectation in terms of transparency and simplicity. I would recommend David to anyone who is willing to learn and act.

Nikolai Nikolov, Happily Retired

5 stars

David is both knowledgeable & understands a client's requirements - he then works to facilitate the optimum solution whilst clearly explaining any upside and downside risk.

Nicholas Wall, Repatriation & Retirement Planning

5 stars

David has been my financial advisor for the last 12 months and I could not be happier with the service.. I would highly recommend getting in contact with David.

Mathew Standage, Pension Planning

5 stars

David was happy to work at our pace, taking a few months for what were big decisions for us. Thanks to David, we have a financial plan that we trust will service us well through our retirement.

Tony & Jane Fairclough, Happily Retired

Book a Meeting

We walk alongside you on your financial path, to help you achieve your financial goals, one step at a time.

Take your first step today and book a free consultation

Please fill out the form below to book a meeting

7 Reasons you need a financial adviser


- You don't want to do it yourself

- Your finances are complex

- You don't have time

- You don't get done what needs to be done

- You & Your spouse are not aligned on decisions

- You need a second opinion

- You don't know what you don't know

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