Our Approach

How do we work


Many clients aren't always aware that they would benefit from financial advice or aren't sure which services would add value to their circumstances.

Which is why we offer a free introductory meeting so that you can decide whether you want to work with us

Investment Advice Icon

We offer our services for a fee (fee based advisory)

Repatriation Planning Icon

However, we always provide a free introductory meeting

Our Meeting Process


Step 1

An introductory call


We offer a complimentary 15-30 minute video call where we can get to know you, your financial situation, and your goals.

Step 2

Scope of Advice


We provide you with comprehensive information about the services we offer, the associated costs, and real-life case studies that demonstrate our ability to help you achieve your financial goals.

Step 3

Develop your plan


Your plan will consider everything we have discussed including your risk tolerance, time horizon, and other factors that are unique to your situation.

Step 4

Monitor & Adjust


We regularly review and update your financial plan to ensure it remains aligned with your goals and circumstances. 

Before your meeting


To maximise your time with David, we encourage you to have an understanding of the following

Value of your pensions

Values of your savings and investments

Approx. mortgage rates if homeowner

We will send you a useful document before the meeting with several thought-provoking questions. If you don't know all the answers, that's ok. You don't need to know the end goal to start planning.

Start by taking one step forward

Book your free consultation

Please fill out the form below to book a meeting