Retirement Planning


What is retirement planning


Retirement planning is the process of thinking about and preparing for your life after you stop working. This usually involves saving money and making financial decisions that will help you maintain your standard of living after you retire. Some people start planning for retirement in their 20s or 30s, while others wait until they are closer to retirement age. It's never too late to start planning for retirement!

At Rosbotham Finance, we understand that retirement goals can vary greatly among individuals. We not only specialise in traditional retirement planning, assisting those aiming to retire at 65, we also help clients looking for alternative retirement paths. Whether that is to embrace phased retirement at 55, transition out of the corporate world at 58 or embark on a consultancy role at 60.

Why is retirement planning important?


Retirement planning is an essential part of securing your financial future. It's a process that involves determining your retirement goals, assessing your current financial situation, and developing a personalised plan to help you achieve those goals. Retirement planning is especially important for those living in Switzerland, where the cost of living is high and retirement can be expensive.


Our Retirement Planning Process


At Rosbotham Finance, we understand the unique challenges and opportunities of retirement planning in Switzerland. David and his team work with you to develop a customised plan that aligns with your individual retirement goals, whether that’s retiring early, maintaining a certain lifestyle or leaving a legacy for your family.

Our comprehensive approach to retirement planning takes into account all aspects of your financial situation, from investments, and savings to Social Security benefits and healthcare costs. We work closely with you to develop a retirement plan that is realistic, achievable, and tailored to your needs.

At Rosbotham Finance, we believe that retirement planning is about more than just money. It’s about peace of mind, security, and the freedom to live the retirement you’ve always dreamed of. Let us help you achieve your retirement goals today.

Is a financial adviser necessary for retirement planning


Retirement planning comes with inherent risks that need to be carefully managed to protect your hard-earned savings, which is why having a financial adviser to help you with your retirement plan is very beneficial.

Market volatility poses a significant risk, as fluctuations in the financial markets can impact the value of your investments. Inflation risk is another concern, as the rising cost of living erodes the purchasing power of your retirement savings over time. Additionally, longevity risk arises from the uncertainty of how long you will live and the potential to outlive your savings.

Regularly reviewing and adjusting your retirement plan in consultation with a financial advisor is essential to adapt to changing circumstances and manage these risks effectively.


5 stars

My wife and I had been looking for a truly independent advisor to work with for several years but, as mixed-origin expats in Switzerland, we'd struggled to find someone who was both independent and understood our situation - until we became aware of David here on LinkedIn. As a result, we recently worked with David on a full retirement planning analysis. We are very happy we made this decision. The process was smooth and insightful. We really learned a lot about how our family's future will, or could, look. David is highly knowledgeable, friendly and professional. We have already recommended his services to two friends and will happily continue to do so.

Matt & Laura Wade, Comfortably on Track for Retirement

Don't leave your retirement to chance

Start taking proactive steps now to secure your financial future. Whether its investing wisely, saving diligently, or seeking professional advice, make financial planning a priority.

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